We knew this was coming and we wish him the best.
NBC News has learned that White House Press Secretary Tony Snow will step down Sept. 14 as the president's chief spokesman and the public face of the White House. Dana Perino is expected to replace him.NBC apparently learned it from ABC, where I first heard it.
He is expected to make his announcement during today's on-camera White House briefing at 12:45pm. President Bush is expected to make a statement at the briefing. Snow formally informed the president yesterday.
Of paramount concern is his health and family, obviously.
The announcement is already being met with compassion from the usual circles.
collapse DeloresDeVries (See profile | I'm a fan of DeloresDeVries)These people are evil.
Good Riddance to another piece of shit LIAR.
Log in | posted 12:13 pm on 08/31/2007
NEW expand collapse KarlRoves3rdchin (See profile | I'm a fan of KarlRoves3rdchin)
Dolores -you took the words right out of my mouth!! Snowjob has been LYING thru his teeth EVERY SINGLE DAY to cover-up all the criminal activity of the Bu$h/Halliburton Cheney Regime for years! All the stress from LYING is more than likely what caused his cancer. I say good riddance to the co-conspirator and propaganda spewing asshole!
Log in | Parent | posted 12:28 pm on 08/31/2007
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