The writing was on the wall. Your co-defendants dimed you out, you flushed tens of millions through sheer stupidity, and you were facing additional charges.
So what's Michael Vick to do?
Take the deal.
Fox is reporting this, though we're waiting for further confirmation. In an interesting twist, Roger Goodell's wife is on-air as the news comes down.
He could well be free in a year and there likely would be a team to take a chance on him, be it 2008 or 2009. We'll see how long a punishment Goodell has in store.
UPDATE 2:33: Newspaper account here, via Drudge. Likely due to an avalanche, the story link is down.
ESPN also reporting it, though their site has nothing. I guess the news outlets are doing some patient fact-finding.
UPDATE II 2:38: Finally, the Washington Post comes through.
Michael Vick has agreed to plead guilty to the federal dogfighting charges against him under a deal reached today between his attorneys and prosecutors, his lawyer said.More at Hot Air.
Vick's D.C.-based attorney, William R. (Billy) Martin, made the announcement in a written statement released by his office this afternoon. Martin said that Vick accepted full responsibility for his actions and decided over the weekend to accept the plea deal.
The terms of the plea deal were not immediately clear, but previous reports indicated that the two sides were discussing an arrangement by which Michael Vick would spend about a year in jail.
Vick and his attorneys are scheduled to appear in federal court in Richmond next Monday, according to the statement.
The deal still must be approved by the judge in the case and could collapse at any point until then.
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