Monday, April 13, 2009

Obama Committed to Fighting the 'Rise of Privacy'

Someone's going to have to have a talk with Obama's TelePrompter.
President Barack Obama is taking a stand against "the rise of privacy'' in the Indian Ocean.

Say what?

The president clearly meant the "rise of piracy,'' but his brief statement on the rescue of the American container ship captain held hostage by Somalian pirates came so quickly today that he didn't stop to correct himself.

Obama, calling the safety of the captain "our principal concern,'' said that he is committed to fighting the "rise of privacy'' in the region.
Nice to see Obama's media stenographer's rushing to clarify his malaprops.
Obama also said that his administration is resolved to halt the rise of piracy. (To be accurate, the president actually misspoke and said "to halt the rise of privacy," but his intent was clear.)
If this was Bush they'd all be chuckling about how stupid he is.

Update: Here's video.

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