I noticed years ago her penchant for saying you know constantly, but the media was so deathly afraid of criticizing her nobody picked up on it.
Well, ever since Caroline Kennedy's disastrous interviews, I guess she's now fair game.
In the short, 6 question interview, Clinton used the phrase "you know" 41 times. A handful of those were legitimate ("And as you know...") but the vast majority used the phrase like a comma.People like this should, you know, take a course in public speaking so they don't, you know, come off sounding like an idiot.
Here's another example, where she uses the words 13 times in 5 sentences:
"And obviously, you know, like any, you know, really focused and passionate person, occasionally he has to be, you know, brought down to earth and reined in so that he, you know, doesn’t levitate or, you know, levitate the rest of us. But he is someone who, you know, is really such a dedicated public servant that I, you know –- I am, you know, really grateful he took on this responsibility. It takes –- you know, it takes a big change in his life to be able to relocate and do this. But I think that, you know, many –- you know, many people who have worked with Richard over the years know that he’s someone who, you know, just doesn’t quit, is always trying to be creative and flexible, but without losing sight of what’s most important. He’s not somebody who gets –- you know, loses the forest for the trees."
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