You have to hand it to the crazy little twerp in the sleazy leisure suits, he sure knows how to poke fingers into the eyes of the civilized world. He has now named a new defense minister who just so happens to be on an Interpol's Most Wanted Terrorist list.
C'mon Barry O, go sit down with them and talk. Have some tea and make nice with the guy. I mean aren't we always being told that we just need to open up a dialogue with them, issue a few apologies while on bended knees, and proclaim that their mass murdering actions are nothing more then a tantrum thrown by a 2 year old.
A former Revolutionary Guard commander wanted by Interpol for masterminding the worst terrorist attack in Argentina looks set to become the new Iranian Defence Minister after parliament signalled that it would confirm the provocative choice.
General Ahmad Vahidi is alleged to have planned the bombing of a Jewish centre in Buenos Aires in 1994 when he commanded the Quds force, a unit of the Revolutionary Guard responsible for foreign operations. He is one of five Iranians sought in the bombing in which 85 people died. Iran denies that it was involved.
Of course according to members of the Iranian Parliament it is all about the Joooos.
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