Considering how much money Bernie Madoff lavished upon
Democrats, and Chuckie Schumer in particular, if there is a
stash of money out there maybe investigators ought to go quiz those greedy Democrats.
Ponzi king Bernard Madoff is telling fellow jailbirds that he secretly funneled $9 billion in swiped funds to three people before he was nabbed, an inmate told The Post.
Madoff says that his partner in crime Frank DiPascali knows who the recipients are -- and that he suspects DiPascali is using that information to cut a better deal with the feds, according to the inmate at the medium-security prison in Butner, NC.
"I think it was personal friends," the inmate said of the recipients of the mega-bucks.
DiPascali, 52, pleaded guilty last year to 10 felonies in connection with helping Madoff swindle investors out of more than $60 billion at his Manhattan financial firm.
Madoff, 72, is serving a life sentence, but DiPascali has reportedly been trying to avoid that fate by cooperating with prosecutors -- who argued strenuously for his release from jail pending sentencing despite a judge's initial reluctance to grant bail.
DiPascali remains locked up awaiting sentencing, unable to post a $10 million bond.
DiPascali's lawyer, Marc Mukasey, did not return a call seeking comment.
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