Perhaps I'm spitting in the wind, but it's just my gut feeling.
Michael Steele has run a tremendous campaign and will be a star in the GOP, even if the media condescendingly ignores or belittles him.
In the House, I'm sticking with a -12 loss for the GOP. I've been stuck on that number for awhile, and just don't see the doom others are forecasting. On FNC tonight, the panel (Barnes, Kondracke and Kristol), all had the GOP losing at least 20. I'm not seeing it.
So in the end, I figure the GOP retains both houses, and a massive freakout ensues come Wednesday from the usual suspects.
Hopefully, Nancy will be looking down come Wednesday.
UPDATE 11/7 8:38 pm ET
Oh well, Santorum went down quickly, so I was spitting in the wind. FNC is projecting Menendez to win in NJ as of 8:35 pm ET. Menendez is so corrupt (yes, a corrupt Democrat in NJ), he probably won't last the six years.
Hey Jammie, looks good.
With your high quality of work, I'm sure this will be a success.
3 wood
Hey Jammie,
Fellow LGF'er, enjoy your posts there. Good job on your blogroll, to put LGF first. Some don't do that; I don't know why.
Also: You are one of the few to make a positive prediction re: election results. Well done and I agree.
wild olive
wild olive,
I put LGF first because it's my favorite site and without it, I wouldn't have had the inspiration to do this. Charles was so kind as to link me, and some fellow LGFers have also done that, which is greatly appreciated. I thought about alphabetizing the links, but there's not necessarily any preferred order.
Thge list will continune to grow. If others want to be linked, please email me.
Thanks for commenting.
hello -- test
Hello aussiemagpie,
Nice to see my friends from Oz. I've gone intercontinental!
Hope you enjoy my posts and thanks so much for stopping by.
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