Never let it be said Chuckie Schumer doesn't have the the largest set of onions in politics.
The man who was recipient of the largest amount of political contributions from the disgraced Bernie Madoff actually has the gall to be calling for SEC reform in light of the Madoff scandal.
One day after the Securities and Exchange Commission's inspector general released a scathing report finding that the agency failed to follow up on detailed complaints and missed exposing a $50 billion Ponzi scheme perpetrated by Bernard Madoff, Senator Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., introduced legislation that would allow the agency use the fees it receives from institutions that register with the commission to fund its operations. "This could help the SEC hire more experienced examiners and keep those good ones they have as well as get better technology to fight fraud," Schumer said.To date there is zero evidence Schumer has ever returned a nickel of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he received from his pal Bernie.
Yet it doesn't prevent the human press conference from sticking his beak into the news when it comes to chiding the SEC.
That's what we call cast-iron gonads.
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