For three weeks I have been working to get Mr. Space to hold a PUBLIC TOWN HALL MEETING for these “disenfranchised” voters in the hills of eastern Ohio. Space, like so many other elected officials, has proven himself to be both cowardly and arrogant; unwilling to face those he has sworn an oath to represent. Because of that, I embarked on a 24/7 round-the-clock vigil outside of his office in Zanesville, Ohio. I just felt that it had reached the point where the rhetoric had to stop and someone had to put action to the threats. So, I grabbed a flag, ran up the hill, and planted it outside the office of Congressman Space believing that others would follow my call to action. As I love to tell those who pass by my personal campground, “They will never see the light until we make them feel the heat.” Zack Space has treated me, and those I represent, worse than illegal aliens. He has called me names, ridiculed my efforts, labeled me a “tea-bagger”, and insinuated that I was delusional. Character assassination is their answer to those who disagree with them. They consider us serfs, peons who get in the way of their elitist agendas. It upsets them that we don’t “know our place,” which is to pull the lever for them and then shut our mouths. We have lost control of our government. Pardon my French, but the folks are pissed. I’ve met hundreds this week like Bob. A Viet Nam vet who left “Nam” in ’64, raised eight children, has thirty two grandchildren; his heart is breaking over the sell-out of this nation by dark forces. His retirement is gone, his freedom is under assault and in his words, “the same folks I fought in Nam are grabbing control of this nation.” The kettle is bubbling. Unless you walk the streets of places like Zanesville, Ohio where the salt of the earth folks roam, you can never understand the patriotic fervor that pumps in the heartland. Patriots like Bob, by the millions, “clinging to their God and their guns” will not go silently into the night. It is apparent now, that Congressman Space, like scores of others in America, will not come out to play. He has chosen to hide. Last week he took a “fact finding” trip to Afghanistan, instead of meeting with the good folks of the 18th District. Perhaps Congressman Space feels it is safer to be in Afghanistan than it is to face the wrath of old Marines like Bob.
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