Yes, hardly a day goes by without a Democrat lawmaker at some level being indicted. Today's winner is New York City councilman Larry Seabrook.
City Councilman Larry B. Seabrook is expected to turn himself in to federal authorities in Manhattan on Tuesday to face a 13-count indictment accusing him of money laundering, extortion and fraud, a person briefed on the matter said.
The corruption within this political party runs deep and extends to all levels. For a party that constantly paints themselves as the party of the little people, they sure do screw them over a lot.
Sounds like a graduate of the Charlie Rangel school of real estate fraud.
From July 2004 through March 2007, the city paid more than $156,900 in rent reimbursements for space that cost the parade organization only $40,000 to rent, The Times found.
Don't look for any mention of Mr Seabrook's political party in the article I linked above. No for that I had to do some digging. I found it in an article from 2003.
It is understandable. While Mr. Seabrook is in his first term on the Council, he has run for office in the Bronx consistently for nearly 20 years, beginning with his election to the Assembly in 1984. He then served as a state Senator and once ran for Congress.
But Mr. Seabrook is not the only candidate running for Council who is well known to voters. In the Democratic primary on Sept. 9, Mr. Seabrook is facing Shirley Saunders, who also has a long history of running for office and of political involvement. Ms. Saunders is a Democratic district leader and an aide to United States Representative Eliot L. Engel.
In what for many Democrats is a resume enhancement, that can lead to being a member of the cabinet, Mr Seabrook also seems to have a problem paying his taxes.
In June 2009, it was reported that the African-American Bronx Unity Day Parade, incorporated by Mr. Seabrook and two associates as a nonprofit organization some 10 years ago, has never received I.R.S. approval to actually operate as a nonprofit and has never filed a tax return. And, it seems, it has never run a parade.
I think the Dems have more to worry about then notes written on a former governors hand or Super Bowl ads.
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