Well, now he is starting to anger some of those same folks due to his bashing of BP.
UK industry expressed alarm yesterday at the “inappropriate” and increasingly aggressive rhetoric being deployed against BP by Barack Obama, US president, and warned that the attacks on the oil company could damage transatlantic relations.So all the ass-kissing of and bashing of the US done by President Obama done to suck up to the European socialist and Marxist set that Obama seems to so strongly identify with is not cutting much ice now that BP's stock has dropped like a rock. Looks like the folks overseas are finding out what the US has already learned about Obama, which is he will throw anybody--and I do mean anybody--under the bus to protect his own political future. Rather than show leadership and provide a cooperative effort to help with the capping of this historic well leak, Obama is busy pointing fingers and lying to the MSM that he was on top of this situation a month ago. Of course,the MSM swallowed that lie whole cloth and did not point out the obvious time line contradictions with that yarn, and did not challenge his lack of willingness to work with BP management on a solution.
The concerns come amid mounting political unease in Britain that attacks on BP for its handling of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill are being dictated by the politics of November’s midterm elections rather than normal regulatory considerations.
Repeated references by senior US politicians to “British Petroleum” – which has not been the company’s name since 1998 – have fuelled fears of a wider backlash against UK companies.
The potential cost of the crisis and fresh fears over whether BP will pay its dividend has continued to hit its shares, with the company’s American Depositary Receipts falling nearly 16 per cent yesterday. Since the accident in late April, the value of BP’s ADRs has halved.
Richard Lambert, director-general of the CBI, the UK employers’ group, said the presidential attack was “obviously a matter of concern – politicians getting heavily involved in business in this way always is”.
So to the socialist/Marxist crowd in Europe, get used to Obama knifing you in the back. If he does it to his own country, he will do it to you, too.
It was often said by friends of Bill Clinton that the only thing Slick truly believed in was his ability to "get away with it." Well, it is becoming very clear that the only things Obama truly believes in are his own political career and the willingness of the MSM to whore themselves out for him.
More here.
Mr Johnson told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: 'I do think there's something slightly worrying about the anti-British rhetoric that seems to be permeating from America. I would like to see a bit of cool heads rather than endlessly buck-passing and name-calling.
'When you consider the huge exposure of British pension funds to BP it starts to become a matter of national concern if a great British company is being continually beaten up on the airwaves. It was an accident that took place and BP is paying a very, very heavy price indeed.'
Writing on his website, Lord Tebbit said Mr Obama’s attitude was explicable but ‘despicable’.
‘The whole might of American wealth and technology is displayed as utterly unable to deal with the disastrous spill - so what more natural than a crude, bigoted, xenophobic display of partisan political Presidential petulance against a multinational company?,' he said.
Financial experts accused Mr Obama - who is due to make another visit to the stricken region next week - of threatening British pension investments in BP.
Echoing the president's own pledge last month to keep his 'boot on the throat' of BP to make sure it met the costs of the spill, Mark Dampier, of financial services company Hargreaves Lansdown, said the President actually had 'his boot on the throat of British pensioners'.
'Obama is obviously trying to show how tough he is but the trouble is he can't really do anything,' said Mr Dampier. What's going on in the Gulf is pretty horrible. But he is playing politics and I don't think it's a very helpful game.
Most British companies hold BP shares in our pension funds, so a dividend cut is not great news.'
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