For the folks that don't know Marcus Luttrell, he is the recipient of the Navy Cross and a member of the Navy SEAL team that got attacked by the Taliban, which resulted in the highest loss of life in a single engagement to SEALS, and author of the book "Lone Survivor," which I finally got around to reading, and this book should be required reading for every high school student in America.
For the folks that never get to hear about today's generation of heroes, here is one, even if he doesn't thinks so. The other members of that team might be familiar to some of you. They included Michael Murphy, awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously, Danny Dietz, awarded the Navy Cross and who was the subject of some controversy when his hometown in Colorado wanted to erect a statue in his honor and people objected because the statue would include him with a weapon. He got his statue and he kept his gun. The other member was Matt Axelson who was also awarded the Navy Cross.
Remember Michael, Danny and Matt this Memorial Day and all the service members who have paid the ultimate price in the service to their country.
But in the meantime listen to Marcus tell you why we are winning in spite of ourselves and why we will continue to win.
And, oh yeah, if you can help him out with that lawyer thing.....
H/T American Infidel.
Thanks to Jules Crittenden for the link.
Tonight’s #Top20Posts: Winning Streak
5 hours ago
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