It's hard to believe Minnesotans would even contemplate putting Ventura in office again. Even harder to consider a clown like Franken, what with all his recent baggage.A new KSTP-TV/Survey USA poll shows Republican Sen. Norm Coleman with a double-digit lead over DFL Senate candidate Al Franken.
Pollsters surveyed 700 Minnesotans last week. They found in a race between Coleman and Franken, Coleman would win 52 percent to 40 percent.
Coleman's campaign says the poll results show Minnesotans are connecting with the Coleman campaign, but that it's anticipating a very close race.
Franken's campaign too is predicting a close race, saying it's seen all sorts of polls saying all sorts of things.
The poll also asked what would happen if former Independence Party Gov. Jesse Ventura entered the Senate race.
It found Coleman would still win with 41 percent, Franken would come in second with 31 percent and Ventura would get 23 percent.
A Rasmussen Reports poll also taken last week showed Coleman and Franken in a statistical dead heat.
I can imagine the media in Minnesota will encourage Ventura getting in the race in the hope he can fracture the vote enough for Franken to slip in. The DFL should seriously reconsider whether they want such a boob representing them.
Is Franken really the best they can offer?
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