Mary Norwood is currently leading in the polls in the upcoming mayoral election in Atlanta. She continues to confound her critics and supporters for that matter. First it was the fact that a white woman could even be considered for the job of mayor. That has strictly been the purview of African Americans.
Well now comes information about her voting record over the years. According to her these are her most recent votes cast for president.
– Ross Perot in 1992;
– Bill Clinton in 1996;
– Al Gore in 2000;
– John Kerry in 2004;
– and Barack Obama in 2008;
That makes her a solid Democrat right? Well, not so fast. It seems before the general election comes about, there is this whole matter of the primaries. How does she do there?
Norwood did, however, in 1999 attend the state GOP convention as a delegate in 1999. Her campaign said she attended as a vendor and was offered a delegate slot on the spot. She says the experience turned her off to partisan politics.And you wonder how we get candidates like McCain and Scozzafava. No word yet on whether the RNCC is backing Mary, but they might want to check with her first since she adamantly says she is no Republican. She just helps them out in the primaries.
Addendum: The Reed campaign points out that Norwood voted in the 1998, 2000 and 2004 Republican primaries and runoffs. And that, while Norwood says she voted for Bill Clinton in 1996 general election, she also participated in the ‘96 Republican presidential primary contest.
Officially our mayor's race is classified as non-partisan, but while the citizens of Atlanta may tolerate a white woman in the race they would never get over the unpardonable sin of being Republican, which is why her opponents are trying hard in this last week to make that connection.
In case you were in doubt which way she leans let me let one of the other icons of Atlanta politics set the record straight for you.
"Able" Mable Thomas is an off and on representatives of one of the poorest and crime ridden areas of the city of Atlanta. She is a liberal Democrat with socialistic and "racism chasing" tendencies.Able Mable endorsed Mary Norwood.
While her official endorsement has not yet been rendered - there is no way that this woman would ever even think about endorsing a Republican.
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