Thursday, January 14, 2010

Telegraph's 'Most Influential' Conservatives List Descends Into Farce

Today's installment lists Numbers 21-40. It includes David Brooks, David Frum and Joe Lieberman.

In other words, this must be a gag.
Brooks rises on our list because he is one of the few (relatively) conservative voices that the President really listens to.
Obama may be the only one listening to him.

Brooks actually ranks ahead of Mark Levin.

As to Frum:
An outspoken commentator on the limits of Sarah Palin, he commented during the election campaign (when he was a Giuliani adviser during the primaries): “I think she has pretty thoroughly—and probably irretrievably—proven that she is not up to the job of being president of the United States.”
Trashing one of the most popular conservatives among actual conservatives somehow gets him on this list.

Is there anyone out there among you who pays the slightest bit of attention to David Frum?

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