Monday, February 01, 2010

'All I Could Think About Was Vince Foster'

Imagine spending your waking hours living in fear of John Edwards. One can only imagine the horrifying images of being bludgeoned with a blow-dryer or suffering the toxic effects of excessive hairspray inhalation.
John Edwards' former flunky says he's been offered "gigantic amounts of money" for a sordid sex tape of the failed presidential candidate and his mistress.

"And we've said no," Andrew Young said Monday on ABC's "Good Morning America."

Young wouldn't say who offered the big bucks, but Edwards' alleged co-star in the X-rated flick, Rielle Hunter, is trying to get her mitts on the tape.

"I'm not clear anything she's asking for is hers," said Young.

Young, who is flogging a tawdry tell-all book about his days with the ex-North Carolina senator called "The Politician," said he found the sex tape just months before the January 2008 Iowa caucus.

It was in a box left in a home that Young said he and his wife, Cheri, briefly shared with Hunter, whom Edwards hired to film his failed presidential bid.

"I could not have told this story without including this sex tape," said Young, who also claims to have phone messages from Edwards to back up his seamy story.

The ex-aide said the video clearly shows Edwards in the middle of a "sexual encounter" with a visibly pregnant woman wearing a thumb ring similar to one that Hunter often wears.

Cheri Young said Hunter's face was not visible in the video.

Hunter went on to bear a daughter by Edwards named Quinn, who is now 2 and living with her in Charlotte, N.C.

In his book, Young - a married father of three - admits he was so blinded by loyalty to Edwards he tried to take the fall for his boss by claiming he was Quinn's daddy.

Young said that after he told Edwards he was done with the charade, he began to fear for his life - especially when the senator showed up "out of the blue" and took him for a ride.

"All I could think about was Vince Foster," Young told "GMA," referring to the former President Clinton aide whose suicide sparked speculation that maybe he was rubbed out to cover up a White House scandal.

"For several months, I used to get up at 3 a.m. and walk around the house with a baseball bat and a knife," Young said.

Asked if he personally feared the pretty boy senator whom critics dubbed "The Breck Girl," Young said no.

"But was I scared, genuinely scared, for me and my family," he said.

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