Monday, February 01, 2010

'Scott Brown Everyman Action Figure'

OK, now I like Scott Brown and all, but let's not get carried away so fast here.
Massachusetts Sen.-elect Scott Brown is the new superhero in town.

Seizing on Brown's hero status within the GOP following his upset victory to win Ted Kennedy’s old seat, a custom dolls company has created a new action figure modeled after the truck-driving Republican lawmaker, Fox News reported Monday.

The Boston Herald's Inside Track column said that will release the Brown action figure on Tuesday. And not just one version but three, each selling for $34.95.

The "Scott Brown Everyman Action Figure" dresses Brown in jeans, a T-shirt and sneakers. The "2012 Executive" Brown dresses him in a professional, presidential head-to-toe suit.

And, for "adults only," the "Cosmo Man Anatomically Correct" Brown dresses the incoming senator in ... well, nothing except for a tastefully placed fig leaf. That one is a send-up of Brown's infamous 1982 Cosmopolitan photo shoot.

"He's a man of action who stepped into the ring, 30 points down, and in just one month does the impossible," Emil Vicale, head of the Connecticut-based company, told the Herald.

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