Tuesday, October 19, 2010

'Harry Lives at the Ritz-Carlton While Thousands are Losing Their Homes'

One would think you must be awfully wealthy to live at the Ritz-Carlton. What kind of rate is Dingy Harry getting? Since he's been living on the public dole for so many years, it must be very favorable.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's (D-Nev.) Washington address has emerged as an issue in his race against Republican Sharron Angle.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) went up with its first TV ad in Nevada on Tuesday, hitting Reid for living at the Ritz-Carlton in the city's west end.

"You know that I had nothing to do with these unemployment figures," Reid is shown saying.

"To him, it's a figure," the announcer says, "maybe because Harry lives at the Ritz-Carlton while thousands are losing their homes."

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