Thursday, August 21, 2008

Newsflash: We've Whittled Down the Obama VP Announcement to Between 8 and 10 pm Friday Night

A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
Noting all signs point to Saturday, ABC News' Chief Washington Correspondent George Stephanopoulos said a Friday announcement might have political benefits too.

"Just about every indication that I have, Charlie, from people close to the process, is that they're going to try to hold this until Saturday," Stephanopoulos told ABC's Charlie Gibson on World News Thursday night. "To get the word out just a little bit before Barack Obama and the pick show up in Springfield, Illinois."

However, Stephanopoulos said the Obama campaign wants to make sure that all the people who signed up to get the message on their cell phones or blackberries are in a position to receive them -- for maximum impact.

"So it could come tomorrow night during the Olympics," Stephanopoulos said, noting that technology experts estimate high usage between 8pm and 10pm on weeknights.
I can just envision scores of Obamatons wetting their pants with anticipation.

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