What the hell is up with Charlie Rangel? He looks like he has been raiding Max Baucus' liquor cabinet.
Here the Democrat leadership tries to respond to the letter they received from CSPAN asking them to open up the process in regards to the health care legislation, like Barry O promised on the campaign trail.
The "most open and transparent congress evah" tries to explain how holding closed door sessions, inserting million, even billion dollar earmarks into the healthcare bill, and just hiding from the public in general was actually some sort of Orwellian example of openness.
For the Democrats this is known as business as usual under the new normal. Here is Rep Tom Price (R-GA) showing the hypocrisy during the cram down stimulus legislation debate, when once again Republicans were left standing out in the hall while the Dems made their deals in private and then hoisted an $800 billion dollar, earmark laden bill on the American taxpayers.
File this under "Fail".
Larwyn’s Linx: Do We Have 677 Unelected Presidents?
19 hours ago
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