SLOVAKIAN police have apologised today for a botched security test which led to explosives they planted in the luggage of an unsuspecting air traveller to be smuggled into Ireland.He'll probably now be on a permanent no-fly list due to this idiocy.
"It was the mistake of a single policeman who forgot to remove the explosives after a dog found them during a security test at Poprad airport on Saturday," border police chief Tibor Mako told journalists.
"The explosives were attached by accident to the backpack of a Slovakian electrician, who unknowingly brought them to his flat in Dublin.
"We are very sorry that a good effort to test the security of civilian air transport turned out so badly," he said.
Sections of inner city Dublin were sealed off and homes and businesses evacuated as anti-terrorist police and Irish army bomb disposal experts raided the man's apartment.
A quantity of explosives, thought to be 90 grams of research development explosive, was seized in the raid, which Irish authorities said was launched after the Slovak side contacted police at Dublin airport.
The explosives' unwitting smuggler, who has worked in Ireland for three years and was returning from a Christmas holiday in Slovakia, was arrested under anti-terrorist laws and later released without charge.
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9 hours ago
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