Sunday, February 11, 2007

Taxing Profits Taxes People

Larry Kudlow nails it. It's a shame The Pantsuit wants to go Chavez with our oil industry. Maybe we should tax her for windfall profits on ghostwritten books.
ExxonMobil just reported the largest annual profit ever by a U.S. company -- a staggering $39.5 billion. I say congratulations. Hillary Clinton begs to differ.

The New York senator told the Democratic National Committee's winter meeting: "The oil companies reported the highest profits in the history of the world. I want to take those profits and I want to put them in an alternative energy fund." Take? Isn't that confiscation of private property? Author P.J. O'Rourke framed it perfectly on a recent CNBC's "Kudlow & Co.": She's "Hugo Chavez in a pants suit."

Read the rest.

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