For October, JWF was ranked 50th and 148th overall, but we've now crept up a few spots further with this exclusive preview of the November rankings.
I find Wikio to be more accurate than rankings refected at TTLB and Technorati that fail to update on a timely basis. Wikio updates monthly and notes relevant links for each month. Thanks, of course, to all those out there that link us and have enabled us to keep moving higher, as we had record traffic for the month of October and have steadily grown our readership. Thanks to all who've visited and we hope you keep coming back.
Here's how the ratings will look as of Monday.
1 The Huffington Post
2 The Corner
3 Political Punch
4 Political Ticker - CNN
5 Think Progress
6 Political Radar - ABC Blog
7 The Daily Dish
8 Michelle Malkin
9 The Caucus - New York Times blog
10 Talking Points Memo
11 NewsBusters
12 Swampland
13 Daily Kos
14 Crooks and Liars
15 Washington Wire -
16 Firedoglake
17 Political Animal
18 Power Line
19 The Plank
20 AMERICAblog
21 Redstate - Conservative News and Community
22 The Blog
23 Lynn Sweet
24 fivethirtyeight
25 Obama HQ
26 Marginal Revolution
27 Eschaton
28 Balloon Juice
29 Political Wire
30 The Jawa Report
31 Stop the ACLU
32 Political Intelligence
33 The Liberal Blog Network
34 The Volokh Conspiracy
35 Patterico's Pontifications
36 Confederate Yankee
37 MyDD
38 TalkLeft
39 Reason Magazine - Hit & Run
40 Ross Douthat
41 Michael Goldfarb - The Blog - The Weekly Standard
42 Atlas Shrugs
44 The Hotline on Call
45 iowahawk
46 JammieWearingFool
47 Oliver Willis
48 TIME - The Real Clear Politics Blog
49 Outside the Beltway
50 JustOneMinute
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