The United States attorney in Manhattan, Michael J. Garcia, announced on Thursday afternoon that no federal charges will be filed against former Gov. Eliot Spitzer of New York, who resigned in March in a scandal over his role as a customer of a prostitution ring.Maybe they can still go after him for the Troopergate mess involving Joseph Bruno, although I won't get my hopes up.
After 14 months in office, Mr. Spitzer resigned on March 12, 2008, after his role as a client of the prostitution ring, known as the Emperor’s Club V.I.P., became known. Mr. Spitzer’s resignation brought an abrupt close to a tenure marked by an almost unbroken string of stumbles and frustrations.
Federal prosecutors had been looking into whether Mr. Spitzer committed a crime known as structuring, or making payments in such a way as to conceal their purpose and source, by wiring money into a bank account controlled by the prostitution ring. That account — in the name of an entity called QAT Consulting — and another bank account were used to launder more than $1 million worth of proceeds derived from the prostitution ring, Mr. Garcia said in his statement on Thursday. Prosecutors also looked at whether Mr. Spitzer had used campaign money to pay for prostitutes.
Larwyn’s Linx: The Demowhigs’ Race to Extinction
19 hours ago
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