Thursday, November 19, 2009

Aww, Poor Bammy Feeling Stressed

Ten months into his term and we're already getting sob stories of how the job is wearing on him. Long gone are those halcyon days of Chesty McCheesecake looking all buff on the sandy beaches of Hawaii and the slobbering stories of how youthful our Dear Leader looked. I suspect if he still had a 65% approval rating we wouldn't be reading these stories. Now we're supposed to sympathize with this man who's proving to be a mere mortal going gray at 48.

Oh, the horrors.
President Obama didn't look his age when he took office in January.

Ten months later, nobody would mistake him for a kid.

There are flecks of gray in the mane, and Obama, who is 48, no longer looks like the kind of guy who glides through life.

"Every day, I wake up thinking, 'How can I give those folks who are out of work right now a job? How can I make sure that people who don't have health care get health care? How can I make sure that I'm doing right by those young men and women who are in Afghanistan?'" Obama said.
He's thinking of Afghanistan every morning? His dithering on troop increases betrays that assertion.
"I would be lying if I said that those aren't weighted questions that I carry around on my shoulders every day."
Oh, the burdens of being The One. I guess nobody told him the campaign ended and it's time to make some decisions.
"My hair has gotten a lot grayer because I was at the age where my hair was going to start getting gray," he said.

New York anti-aging expert Dr. Matthew Schulman said Obama might want to take a long, hard look in the mirror.

His face has grown more gaunt, and that "certainly makes him look more aged," said Schulman, assistant professor of plastic surgery at Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
I'm sure wherever Obama goes there's no shortage of mirrors.
Also, studies have shown a clear link between stress and aging, Schulman added.

And Obama - an occasional smoker with one of the world's most stressful jobs - is at a point in his life where any damage he did to his body as a young man could come back to haunt him.
An occasional smoker? Last I saw he'd been smoking for 30 years. Of course the media likes to pretend he quit, but we know that's nonsense. Honestly, I'm surprised it's even mentioned.
It "takes 10 or 15 years to show up on our bodies and skin," Schulman said. "It's possible that the current stress he is under as President is accelerating the changes, which are results of earlier exposures like smoking and drinking."
Not to mention cocaine. Oh wait, we're not supposed to mention his cocaine use. Only George W. Bush's alleged cocaine use.

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