Friday, November 06, 2009

Obama Awards Medal of Honor To Indian Chief

Is there anybody with at least two functioning brain cells who believes that the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is anything more then a TelePrompter-reading buffoon?

Yesterday Barry O came out for a short press briefing after meeting with members of various tribes from the Indian nation. In the run-up to his comments on the shooting at Ft. Hood he had to give a shout out to some in attendance and then apparently bestowed the Congressional Medal of Honor upon Joe Medicine Crow.

Don't get me wrong, Joe did some pretty amazing things during World War II, even earning the title of War Chief from his tribe, but don't you think 50-something years is a long time to wait for a MOH?

Joe earned the Medal of Freedom and a Congressional Gold Medal, but no, he never earned the Medal of Honor.

A lot of attention was paid to the fact that he went on for two minutes before getting to the situation at Ft. Hood, but without his TelePrompter he managed to even screw that up.

And this guy is making decisions for the rest of us?

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