One guy gets a sweetheart contract and another guy gets fired. Here is Chez's blog. Nothing like consistency in the cable news world.
Uberdunce on Dkos Most readers of blogs are familiar with DKos and the venom and moonbat conspirarcy theories they spout, but what most choose to ignore is that quite a few of the elected Democrats in congress post over there regularly also.
PMSNBC is not even consistent with their own reporters. They suspend David Shuster for using the pimped word and Chelsea Clinton in the same sentence but allow Keith to spout all sorts of stuff that would make a Ron Paul speech writer blush.
Meanwhile as far as the classless CNN, the ex wife of their founder Ted Turner recently went on a morning network show and used crude language to describe certain parts of the female anatomy that isn't even used by drunken sailors on shore leave that casually.
Why is it that liberals feel this need to use the most vulgar of language in all of their discussions? You can view video of the sewer dwelling Code Pink types protesting in Berzerkeley flinging the "F" word around at the top of their voices, regardless of whether or not children are around.
I wonder which Democrat presidential candidate will be the first to use crude language in a debate? They all seem to have the foulest mouths. Maybe there is some nuance that I just don't get.
Anyway you liberal cable news programs stay classy and continue to watch your ratings fall further and further behind that missing coed of the day, Britney update news channel. (Yes lately I have been very disappointed with Fox). For real news now I watch the BBC America news hour.
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