Sunday, February 17, 2008

Wounded Iraq, Afghanistan veterans are treated to quail hunt

EDISON, Ga. - Dan Hammack III, a special forces veteran and a lieutenant colonel in the reserves, wanted to do something more to show his respect for wounded veterans.

So he helped organize the "Purple Heart Hunt," which invites wounded veterans to share in the therapeutic qualities he believes are found in nature.

Hammack and other Calhoun County plantation and hunting lodge owners treated about a dozen wounded veterans on Friday and Saturday to what Hammack says is some of the best quail hunting in the world. He hopes it will become an annual event.

"We're just not doing enough for these guys," Hammack said. "I began trying to think of a way that we could show these wounded veterans a good time to try to uplift their spirits and get them away from all the day-to-day grind they're facing with recovery."

PETA was unavailable for comment.
Folks sometimes it is the simple things that we take for granted that can mean so much to somebody else. The previous generation of veterans have certainly stepped up to help this "Greatest Generation" and sometimes I not sure who benefits more from this comradarie of arms. The Vietnam vets often thank this generation for restoring their self esteem after the damage that was done to their psyche form the anti war liberals of their day, but they go far and behind the call to make sure history does not repeat itself.

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