Wednesday, November 11, 2009

'Had We Launched an Investigation of Hasan We'd Have Been Crucified'

Yes, and they'd have been crucified by the left, the ACLU, CAIR and all the military-hating scum out there now twisting themselves into pretzels to avoid the obvious: We've got jihadis in our midst are are too damn afraid to do anything about it. Of course, since Fox is reporting this, it isn't "real news" so take it for what it's worth.
The claim comes as officials in different branches of law enforcement and the military squabble over who knew what when about Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan's leanings toward faith-inspired violence, and as charges fly that 'political correctness' prevented officials from taking action and is still being used as a crutch in explaining the rampage after the fact.

Investigators would have been "crucified" over First Amendment rights if they had they launched a full-scale probe into e-mails Fort Hood massacre suspect Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan allegedly sent to a radical imam, a government investigator told Fox News.

The claim comes as the squabble grows among officials in different branches of law enforcement and the military over who knew what, and when, about Hasan's leanings toward faith-inspired violence, and amid charges that "political correctness" prevented officials from taking pre-emptive action.

The government counterterrorism investigator familiar with the FBI's review of the Fort Hood case told Fox News that they simply did not have enough evidence to launch an investigation. Though officials discovered Hasan's e-mails to the imam, the investigator said the messages suggested he was seeking "spiritual and religious guidance."

"Had we launched an investigation of Hasan we'd have been crucified," the investigator said, adding that the communications were shared with the "appropriate chains."
Besides, why look at the obvious when you can float preposterous reasons like this.
Chicago Mayor Richard Daley pointed to America's "love" affair with guns as the driving factor behind last week's shooting at Fort Hood, becoming the latest and possibly most prominent figure to show a reluctance to cite religion.

Daley, whose city has suffered through a rash of violence in recent months, made the connection while talking to reporters.

"Every day in society someone's being killed. Unfortunately, America loves guns. We love guns to a point that we see the devastation on a daily basis," he said. "You don't blame a group. You don't blame a society, immigrant community because of actions of one group, one individual -- you cannot say that."
No, we can say it. It was one individual, and he comes from a certain group and we all know this. Which is why the majority of us want this investigated as terrorism. As to the 40% who have no clue, they're beyond hope.

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