Fight the power with stomach grease.
Oh, Gandhi would have been so proud.Naturally, this douchebag has his own blog to voice his outrageously outrageous outrage.
John Rinaldi - aka Chicken John, the showman and one-time mayoral candidate - is outraged. Outraged! The target of his ire? Food trucks in Dolores Park. His method of protest? Staging a "puke-in" at the park on Saturday.
"I'm gonna go puke on a trailer this weekend because no one knows that this weekend a commercial entity is going to open a store in Dolores Park and is doing it without anyone knowing," Chicken John writes on his web-site. "Just like last year, they are trying to sneak in like sneaky sneakers."
We called those sneaky sneakers at the Recreation and Parks Department to see what all the barf-inducing fuss is about. The brouhaha has been going on for quite a while, with some Mission hipsters irate that Blue Bottle Coffee and La Cocina last year were granted permits to operate food trucks in Dolores Park. They view it as another sign the department is privatizing public parks for profit.
Blue Bottle promptly backed out; back then, the threat was that they'd be spit on, but apparently the protesters have upped their ante in the bodily fluids department.
La Cocina still plans to open soon, but no start date is set yet - and it's definitely not this Saturday, according to parks spokeswoman Sarah Ballard.
"There's nothing set to launch on Saturday other than Chicken John's gag reflex," Ballard said.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. Maybe you don't know that last year they tried to sneak some stores into the park. From the get-go they made it sound like a done deal. It was actually said that it was too late to stop it right from the start. We demanded a process. They set up a meeting, where the operations manager Phil Ginsburg talked for 33 minutes then left, not listening to anyone. We went to meetings. We went to the press. We collected signatures. We screamed and yelled and jumped up and down and we made it all a big issue and stalled and then the rains came.And everything was quite? I guess he meant quiet. Obviously spelling isn't his strong suit. Seriously, though, who the hell does this guy think he is? If the city issues a permit and a business is legitimate, who is he to make threats? Is his sense of self-absorption so great that he gets to decide how things run?
And everything was quite.
The permits that RPD issued are still valid. So very quietly, very stealthy... they went about forming alliances to put more stores in the park. They were trying to be very quiet about it, but it didn't work. Because EVERYONE they tried to form an alliance with, said they didn't want a store in the park. So we told them that we would protest. Picket. We would sue. We would pour gasoline over our heads to make us martyrs for the cause. That we would not rest until.... until... Until what? Until people had an opportunity to be involved in a process that would determine weather this was a good idea or not. The people who wanted to open the stores got nervous. So they started talking to people. A lot of people. They ran to the press, and got Ken Garcia to endorse their plight. Kinda like getting Rush Limbaugh to vouch for you. Puts a chill in the air. Not that anyone reads the Examiner, anyway... but then they learned a new tactic: lying. So now they are saying that they have don e community outreach and everyone wants a store in the park. Huh. Really.
The silliness continues:
Do you like the idea of people puking on a trailer in Dolores Park this weekend? Even if you can't make it? You can like the idea of activism. Log into Facebook, and 'like' this page:How big a tool is this guy? Even the folks in San Francisco are tired of the buffoon. Have a look through the comments. He gets torn to shreds.
We are having a puke in. Pukin'. We are going to collectively lose our lunch on a trailer this weekend. I've hired a photographer to document it. To show other potential stores in the park what happens when you sell the park out. When you try to be an agent of Control. When you steamroll people.
We are being steamrolled again. Same like last year. They are telling us they did community outreach. That is a fucking lie, 99% of the neighbors of DP have no idea that this issue is still alive. At the Mission Merchants Association last night, not one merchant knew there was a store going into the park. Not one of them liked the idea, and not one of them hesitated for a second at the prospect of puking on a store in the park on Saturday at 2:00.
Update: Geez, this guy is dumber than a box of rocks. He left this comment:
Yea, the commentors are the pinncles of our society.Emphasis mine.
Fact is, RPD is bad news bears. And weather you beleive it or not, people don't want stores in our park. Lots of people. Thousands of people.
The puke idea is a low road, I admit it. But how elese would I get you to ralley for my cause? Thank you for helping me bring this important issue to light. Now that we are talking about the issue and not some dumb puke joke, may I ask you a serious question?
How do you feel about the 23 acres of State Park land being sold in hunters' point to a developer? Is that OK?
Please resond...
In Kalifornia, especially the city of San Francisco, this sort of shit is what gives us the bad rep. It's bad enough with the politicians we keep sending to congress. I'm talking about Nazi Pelousy - the dumbest woman in the H.O.R. And there's Marxine Waters, the walking talking Yeast Infection from South Central.
Now this guy is out there showing off his puke and stupidity. Fuck it - it's time for the next "big one" and the whole northern part of the State can slide into the Pacific. No one will give a shit or miss them anyway. And they can take their snotty fucking white whine with them.
Maybe Arnie (let killers loose because their daddy is his pal)** Schwarzemegger will step in and bitch-slap this asshole!
** http://www.scpr.org/programs/airtalk/2011/01/03/schwarzenegger-pardons-nunez/
Yea, the commentors are the pinncles of our society.
Fact is, RPD is bad news bears. And weather you beleive it or not, people don't want stores in our park. Lots of people. Thousands of people.
The puke idea is a low road, I admit it. But how elese would I get you to ralley for my cause? Thank you for helping me bring this important issue to light. Now that we are talking about the issue and not some dumb puke joke, may I ask you a serious question?
How do you feel about the 23 acres of State Park land being sold in hunters' point to a developer? Is that OK?
Please resond...
OK, I'll "resond": You're an illiterate idiot.
I prefer to not use spell check. I type fast, and had 400 emails yesterday and today about this issue. Full plate. Not everyone has a college education. But you didn't answer my question, maybe you just don't care. And your commentors are NOT a good swath of your average SF person. How many hits did your blog get? 50? 500? I got 4,000 +.
99% of them are with me.
C'mon, answer my question, Jammiekins. How do you feel about the unprecidented deal where Leno and RPD are selling 23 acres of parkland in hunters point?
Ha! No errors... i just gotta slow down....
No errors? Try learning to spell "unprecedented" and get back to me, tool. You're a joke. If "99%" of the people are with you, why were the readers at SFGate tearing you to shreds?
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