Friday, February 15, 2008

UN Official: Gaza Situation 'Grim'

So whose fault is that?
The U.N.'s top humanitarian affairs official visited Gaza Friday and said he was shocked by the "grim and miserable" humanitarian situation there. He urged that the territory's borders be opened to relieve the suffering.

John Holmes, the United Nation's undersecretary-general for humanitarian affairs, toured Gaza's largest hospital where he spoke to dialysis patients and saw the neonatal ward.

"I have been shocked by the grim and miserable things I have seen and heard about during the day," Holmes told reporters during a news conference at the main U.N. compound in Gaza.
OK, Holmes, here's the deal. These people are terrorists and are trying to murder Israelis on a daily basis.

So the situation they're in is entirely their own fault.

Not the Israelis, not the United States. It's their problem.

At what point will you ever realize this?
"These grim and miserable things are the result of the current restrictions on the crossings into Gaza, and the very limited amounts of foods and other materials being allowed in," he said. "So what is essentially needed is an opening of the crossings, a lot more goods coming in."
Apparently, they're incapable of producing anything other than misery, murder and mayhem, and nothing ever comes out other than rocket-fire and terrorists.

Of course, if Holmes and his co-sympathizers want to see a resolution to this grim situation, there is a solution.
Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev said an improvement depended on an end to rocket fire.

"If terrorists in Gaza were to cease firing rockets into Israel, trying to kill our people, the situation could very quickly return to where it was," Regev said.

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