He focuses on so-called immigration reform, or, more subtly, his own re-election.
President Obama is reviving the issue of immigration reform in the face of mounting political pressure as he readies his bid for reelection.If you find some dope Republicans to join you they may as well just leave the party.
Obama is holding a meeting at the White House on Tuesday with current and former elected officials along with business and faith groups to discuss the "importance of fixing our nation's broken immigration system for our 21st century economic and national security needs," according to his schedule.
Ahead of that meeting, the president insisted the fight for major immigration reform legislation is not yet over despite the fact Republicans, who are largely wary of current comprehensive proposals, made large gains in the 2010 midterm elections.
"The question is going to be, are we going to be able to find some Republicans who can partner with me and others to get this done once and for all instead of using it as a political football?" he told Dallas-based WFAA-TV during one of four local television interviews on Monday.
Of course this is just another transparent attempt to district the great unwashed from his myriad failures.
In addition, the still-fragile economic recovery and the pro-democracy uprisings across the Middle East this year have drawn attention away from the issue. A Gallup poll released last week showed immigration at the bottom of a list of issues the public feels are most important. Only four percent ranked it as the top issue compared to 45 percent who named either the economy in general or unemployment.It's the absolute last priority for Americans, so this is what he'll focus on. Great.
Meanwhile, in a stunning coincidence, a pro-illegal alien group has cleverly come up with an immigration Hall of Shame. I question the timing.
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), who once suggested handling illegal immigrants in a way similar to how farmers handle livesock, took first place in a "Hall of Shame" list compiled by the Immigrants' List political action committee.It would be nice if those of us already here could live our lives free of government persecution. How about just leaving us alone for five minutes?
The group named eight other Republicans and one Democrat Tuesday, claiming they are “the biggest obstacles” to overhauling the nation's immigration laws.
In its biannual “Hall of Shame” list, obtained first by The Hill, the PAC took aim at Steve King, eight other Republicans and lone Democrat Rep. Heath Shuler (N.C.) for “spreading misinformation, preying on fear, and blocking the reform America wants and needs.”
The PAC also names Reps. Lamar Smith (Texas), Ed Royce (Calif.), Peter King (N.Y.), Michele Bachmann (Minn.), Brian Bilbray (Calif.), Candice Miller (Mich.), Ben Quayle (Ariz.), and Sen. John Boozman (Ark.).
“We need reform that unites families, promotes fair employment practices, and restores America’s place as a nation that welcomes those seeking freedom from persecution and a better way of life,” said Amy Novick, the executive director of Immigrant’s List.
13 Million unemployed Americans
16 Million illegal immigrants
The solution to this problem is obvious.
it's nice they gave us a list of Reps to support next election. Bilbray is in my area, but not my congresscritter. Think I'll kick him some bucks, just to piss off La Raza
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