Friday, April 18, 2008

25 Years Ago Today: Beirut Embassy Bombing

I am so embarrassed that I have let this day slip by without mentioning this. It was 25 years ago today, April 18, 1983, that the terrorist bombing of the embassy in Beirut occurred. The attack was carried out by Hezbollah. 63 people including 17 Americans were killed that day.
The man believed to be responsible for the Beirut Embassy bombing – and numerous other attacks – was Imad Mughnieh, a leader of Hezbollah suspected to have been acting on behalf of the Iranians. He was killed in February in Damascus by a bomb placed in the headrest of his car.
And yet 25 years later we have Jimmy Carter in the region trying to make nice with some of the very people who carried out this attack. Yes, I know he is trying to talk to Hamas, but Hamas and Hezbollah are two different sides of the same coin.

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