Tuesday, April 15, 2008

While Jimmy is Hugging Hamas, Hamas Shows Israel Some Love

So the most absolutely ignorant president of my lifetime, who doesn't have a clue of what he is doing right now and apparently is in the initial stages of Alzheimer's, is hugging terrorists and laying wreaths on the grave of one of the biggest terrorists and money swindlers of the 20th century and meanwhile Hamas continues to do what they do best, spread death and destruction to everything they touch.
Israeli infantry Tuesday battled members of the military wing of Hamas as former U.S. President Jimmy Carter visited the Middle East.

The Israeli forces responded to antitank missiles and mortar shells in central Gaza allegedly fired by the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Ynetnews.com said.
While visiting Sderot Carter had this to say:
Carter said he aimed to negotiate a cease-fire and stated the rocket attacks were illegal.
OOOO! Let's go get an arrest warrant and lock up the evil bad men who are doing this. That is the liberal mindset. Constant shelling, terrorizing of citizens, and frequent gunfire at innocent people is illegal.Vice President Cheney was right years ago when he said liberals view this as a law enforcement issue and conservatives view it as a war. From Clinton, who wouldn't pursue Bin Ladin because he didn't have a legal reason to, to the Defeatocrats in Congress who stand in the way of anything meant to deal a blow to the terrorists and their activities. Something is illegal only after the fact. I want somebody who is going to prevent the illegal act from taking place in the first place.

Anyway, you stay classy you peanut brained, peanut picking, grinning jackass and we'll see if peace ever comes to Israel.

And then there is this ironic headline over at UPI:

Carter has reduced security in Israel

Of course the story is about his lack of security personnel but the headline is right: Jimmy Carter has reduced Israel's security with this trip.

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