By now everybody has heard of the moveon ad, they have seen the antics of the Code Pinko post menopausal hippies and they have heard of the desecration of the Vietnam War Memorial but have you heard about those who are staging their own demonstration to counter these people? The overall event is called a Gathering of Eagles, but it involves several groups, quite a few of them made up of veterans of all stripes and generations. We are fed up with the rabble rousers on the left who continue to spout false statements and act like spoiled 5 year olds in the store when mommy tells them no, who are trying to relive their heydays from the 60's.
Even today they are getting the headlines with no mention of the pro military folks who are descending on Washington DC in an attempt to make their voices heard. Michelle Malkin has posted several times on this, and while the crybabies on the left have 40 years of experience in these types of things, the last time the eagles gathered they managed to severely blunt the actions of these anti American groups using the shield of being anti-war to give themselves credibility.
If you can make it bravo, if not make sure to support those who can. Vets For Freedom has been executing their plan for getting their message to those who live within the Beltway and seem to be so disconnected from the average American on everything from the illegal immigration issue to what is actually happening in Iraq.
Ruck up guys, and give 'em hell!
Larwyn’s Linx: Do We Have 677 Unelected Presidents?
19 hours ago
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