Monday, April 21, 2008

Shut Up and Sing, Paulie

On second thought, just shut up. Can't think of a song he's produced in at least 30 years I care for.

He's sounding loonier than his wacko ex-wife.
Former Beatle Paul McCartney is urging the world to go vegetarian in a bid to fight global warming and is surprised more green groups don't promote it.

In an interview with the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), McCartney said the global meat industry was a major contributor to global warming. A transcript of the PETA interview was given to Reuters.

"The biggest change anyone could make in their own lifestyle would be to become vegetarian," McCartney, a longtime vegetarian and advocate of vegetarianism, said. "I would urge everyone to think about taking this simple step to help our precious environment and save it for the children of the future."
It's always about the children.

I guess McCartney missed the news about the earth getting cooler the past ten years.

Meanwhile, despite a nonstop propaganda campaign, Algore realizes his efforts have been worthless. Which means only one thing: more propaganda.
In an exclusive interview with The Sun, Mr Gore – hailed as the world’s leading green campaigner – said recent polls had found that while people rate climate change as a “serious problem”, some ranked it lower than clearing up dog mess.

“When politicians walk down the pavement, four or five of every ten people they meet ask, ‘What are you doing to solve the climate crisis?’ he said. “If you ask people their opinion, more than two thirds will say, ‘It’s a very serious issue, we’re responsible for it. We need to take action’.

“But then if you give them a list of 25 or 30 issues and ask them to rank them in order of seriousness, climate change comes at the bottom or near the bottom.

“I remember one poll where it came under dog litter. People are more likely to respond to problems that can be felt – terrorism, traffic jams, anything that activates the responses in an immediate way.
Dog litter. Exactly what I think of Gore.

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