We have a president more interested in basketball, golf and partying, one could say it's unprecedented how much he focuses on things other than, you know, his actual job, so now word has gone out that it's time to portray Republicans as squabbling adolescents, while the calm, serene Obama remains cool, calculated and, dare we say, Reaganesque. Today's sycophant is named Scot Lehigh, some hack from the Boston Globe, who offers this hilarious tripe.
THE REPUBLICAN Party has a serious problem. Or rather, a seriousness problem.We don't even really know who Obama is, yet Lehigh is just sure this is the way Obama was bred to comport himself. Forget for a minute it's all sheer fantasy. How would Lehigh know any of this? And we're to believe that back in the 80s Lehigh portrayed Reagan as a man who perfected the role of national leader high-minded enough to rise above his detractors? But Obama isn't just like Reagan, he's also nimbly comporting himself as a reasonable man like Clinton?
Tough times elevate substantive people and cast pixilated partisans and juvenile jousters in an unflattering light.
Which is just what’s happened these last few weeks. Although the left sometimes chafes under President Obama’s measured and mild manner, grousing that he lacks the combativeness the political era requires, Obama understands something they don’t: Voters want a calm, reasonable adult, not a partisan warrior, in the Oval Office.
Obama takes a page from both Ronald Reagan, who perfected the role of national leader high-minded enough to rise above his detractors, and Bill Clinton, who projected the air of a reasonable man ruefully trying to reason with a horde of hyper-partisans who preferred combat to compromise. The president knows that he enhances his image by comporting himself that way. But mostly, that’s just Obama leaning into who he is.
Seriously, this guy's living in an alternate reality.
Now while we've all witnessed a month-long temper tantrum by Democrats in Wisconsin and Indiana, we're supposed to pretend the GOP has a deficit of adults?
1 comment:
From the Boston Globe article: "Which is just what’s happened these last few weeks. Although the left sometimes chafes under <span>President Obama’s measured and mild manner</span>, grousing that he lacks the combativeness the political era requires, Obama understands something they don’t: Voters want <span>a calm, reasonable adult</span>, not a partisan warrior, in the Oval Office."
I have news for the fools at the Globe - President Omama's "measured and mild manner" could very well be interpreted as being nothing but indecisive and cowardly. And don't worry - the word "Warrior" will NEVER be associated with a man such as Omama. I can guarantee you that.
With the exception of Jeff Jacoby there are very few things being spewed out of the Boston Globe worth reading. Maybe they've got some good sportswriters. Do they?
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