There is no declared winner yet in the Atlanta mayors race, and in fact there may not be one until Saturday. One candidate is declaring victory, Kasim Reed, but the other candidate, Mary Norwwod, is not conceding until all the votes are counted. Currently the margin is 758 votes with some 2,000 absentee votes still to be counted.
The map above pretty much explains it all. The red pins are the precincts that voted for Mary Norwood, the woman trying to be the first white mayor of Atlanta since the mid 60's and the blue pins are Kasim Reed, the African American.
Mary maintained a double digit lead through the general election and then the accusations came out that she was a Republican, which were totally false, but to the folks who live on the south side facts aren't important, all they saw was skin color.
Kasim will probably wind up winning this thing running on a platform that promised to open up all the city parks and not much else. With the budget problems Atlanta is facing, and the fact that he has already signaled his unwillingness to make any hard budget cuts if he does open them up, the net result will be meeting places for all the local gangs. If also won't take long for what is referred to around here as the Black Mafia to get their hooks into him and it will be corruption as usual.
So glad I don't live in the city of Atlanta itself. The reason Mr Reed is talking about a new police chief is because the current one is resigning at the end of the month. We got him from New Orleans, and I think everybody can see what a bang up job he did over there. Enjoy your new tax hikes which are inevitable and I hope the surrounding communities can muster the forces to keep all the violent criminals from the south side boxed in.
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