Tuesday, December 01, 2009

The Only Logical Answer

Folks, I hope you have had time to let your latest meal digest before reading this, since you might feel a slightly nauseous reaction to the latest fawning piece over the Great and Powerful Oz.
He shows a fascination with science, an all-too deliberate decision-making demeanor, an adherence to logic and some pretty, ahem, prominent ears.

They all add up to a quite logical conclusion, at least for "Star Trek" fans: Barack Obama is Washington's Mr. Spock, the chief science officer for the ship of state.

"I guess it's somewhat unusual for a politician to be so precise, logical, in his thought process," actor Leonard Nimoy, who has portrayed Spock for more than 40 years, told The Associated Press in an e-mail interview. "The comparison to Spock is, in my opinion, a compliment to him and to the character."
See, he is just too smart for the rest of us. This seems to be the most recent narrative being pushed by the media to explain away the non-actions of the undecider-in-chief who is just trying to vote present on the problems facing this country and being excoriated by radical far left members of Congress.

He is about as Spock-like in regards to science as those climate change fraudsters at East Anglia are. Of course, whiny boy Gibbs is still holding the party line that the science is settled as far as global warming is concerned and facts be damned, they have a socialist agenda to implement.
Roberto Orci, the screenwriter and producer behind the latest "Star Trek" movie, said Obama "has a Spock-like aura about him: calm in the face of great adversity and looking for a logical middle ground." Obama, himself a big "Star Trek" fan, screened the movie at the White House during its opening weekend.
Of course, anybody who photoshops an image of Obama as Spock is a racist. Of course.

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