Thursday, December 03, 2009

Red Eye Gives Global Warming Believer a Black Eye

Have they come up with a catchy buzzword to describe the Kool-Aid drinking folks who believe that the science is settled in regards to man-made climate change? I mean we've got "Birthers" to describe those who insist on seeing Barack Obama's birth certificate, "Truthers" for those who believe in the 9/11 conspiracy crap and, of course, the obscene Teabagger to describe citizens who decry the continuing encroachment of the federal government into our lives, so I would think we could come up with something to call all those now-heartbroken and disillusioned disciples of Al Gore.

Anyway, here is Greg Gutfeld taking some shots at one of those global warming acolytes.

Oh yeah, regarding NASA that the guest holds in such high esteem, besides being the home of the discredited Jim Hansen, they also had another one of their "experts" get convicted of steering no bid contracts to his wife's company.


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