I was just thinking of this moron today as I cleared ten fresh inches of global warming off my vehicle and driveway. Sure enough, he's here to remind us of his latest
fierce moral urgency.
He may have been preaching to the choir, but former Vice President Al Gore stirred an Aspen audience Friday with a passionate speech about the effects of global warming, at one point pounding his fist on the podium and declaring it “a moral issue.”
Gore, 62, delivered a 50-minute keynote address for a symposium on “Forests at Risk: Climate Change and the Future of the American West.” The event, hosted by the local nonprofit For the Forest, was held in the Doerr-Hosier Center at The Aspen Institute.
Gore told the standing-room-only audience that his remarks on global warming, and the presentations throughout the half-day symposium, should not be taken as merely “interesting” or “an intellectual exercise.”
How ironic a man who hasn't had an original thought in three decades speaks of
intellectual exercise. When was the last time this bloated bag of wind had any exercise at all?
“It is a call to action,” he said, “if you love these forests, if you think for a moment about the obligation we have to those who come after (us).
“This is a forest issue. It's a political issue. It's an economic issue. It's a national security issue. It's a jobs issue. But at bottom, it is a moral issue,” he said to widespread applause. “And we have to be willing to stand up and do the right thing."
Gore then dazzled the captive audience with another tedious slideshow of made-up statistics.
According to Gore, 90 million tons of pollution that contribute to global warming are sent into the Earth's atmosphere every day. The time has come for not just Americans but the world at large to make a conscious decision to tackle the problem, he said.
Gore acknowledged that there are skeptics and cynics but said an overwhelming consensus of the world's top scientific organizations now recognizes the causes and effects of global warming. It should no longer be a partisan issue, he said.
"90 million tons of" CO2, or 30 bilion tons per year, is a figure I have heard. Considering that in the early 1980s an entomology paper estimated CO2 release by termites at eighty billion tons per year, our output does not seem too significant.
And remember his fury that the US did not sign on to Kyoto? Noetheless, not only has the US exceeded the goals of that treaty but less than a handful of the signers have done much at all, with most actually increasing CO2 output. Germany has probably the "best" record - mostly by shutting down ancient East German coal plants and tying those areas to the better West German grid, not so much by decreasing West German CO2.
yesmrgore wewillallkillourselvestoprotectmotherearth hmmmmmmmmmmm
morekoolaidplease hmmmmmmmm
Is he wearing makeup? I swear I see a rather unflattering shade of lipstick.
According to Gore: "Gore acknowledged that there are skeptics and cynics but said an overwhelming consensus of the world's top scientific organizations now recognizes the causes and effects of global warming."
He's still pushing the "debate is over" bullshit even though scientists have never finished debating any of the causes and effects of AGW. I wonder when this fool will quit quit (as Jammie said) "preaching to the choir" and actually debate someone with scientific credentials. My guess is never even though he has been challenged many times. No one likes to be exposed as an asshole and liar as Gore surely would/has be/been.
<span>According to Gore: "Gore acknowledged that there are skeptics and cynics but said an overwhelming consensus of the world's top scientific organizations now recognizes the causes and effects of global warming."
He's still pushing the "debate is over" bullshit even though scientists have never finished debating any of the causes and effects of AGW. I wonder when this fool will quit (as Jammie said) "preaching to the choir" and actually debate someone with scientific credentials. My guess is never even though he has been challenged many times. No one likes to be exposed as an asshole and liar as Gore surely would/has be/been.</span>
His mouth reminds me of a fish right before it hits a fly or a lure.
Here in Maine we are fighting the results of this man's decades of tirades with our very mountains and forests. The expedited wind power law that was passed has instigated government-mandated, taxpayer funded clearcutting of vast expanses of forests, blasting mountaintops flat all for the installation of inefficient and intermittent uneconomical industrial wind turbines.
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